Freedom in life, Hope for the future, and Peace in recovery


We would love to have you join us:

Sunday Morning Service at 10:30 am Tuesday Recovery Meeting at 7 pm Saturday free hot meal at 4 pm

7427 Virginia Ave 63111

Can you help us to help others?

Our 5th annual coat give-away will be in October. We always need gloves, hats, blankets, warm shoes, sweatshirts, tents and other items to help people get through the cold winter months. Message and we can arrange for pick-up or drop-off. If you would like to volunteer please message.

If you go to our amazon link you can buy items and they will be shipped right to us.

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Our Real Life - Stories about addiction and recovery

Please go to the take action button in the top right corner to go to Our Real Life Podcast.


Team of volunteers preparing for Saturday afternoon dinner.