Our Mission

Our mission is to love and encourage people who have lost their way in life due to addiction and other self-defeating life choices.

We want to have a safe and supportive environment utilizing community programs and educational resources, career building and discipleship programs to promote a healthy productive lifestyle.

In the winter on Tuesdays we supply items to help people to stay warm and sandwiches. Saturdays we supply a hot meal and clothing, coats, hats, gloves, blankets etc.

During the summer on Tuesdays we pass out sandwiches, chips, water and other items like ramen, canned meats and pasta, snack crackers etc. and hygiene items. Saturdays we have a bar-b-q type atmosphere where people can sit down and we can spend time encouraging, praying for people and sharing the love of God.

Bob has over 30 years of being free from drugs and alcohol. Bob and his wife Pam are co-founders of Real Life Ministries, helping others find freedom, hope and peace through the recovery process. Bob and Pam were ministry leaders of a local Celebrate Recovery meeting for over 5 years. Bob and Pam have been married for over 35 years. They have two happily married daughters and four young grandchildren.

What does Real Life have to offer?

  • Bob has written a book My Real Life.

  • You can listen to “Our Real Life” a podcast about addiction and co-dependency success stories.

  • An opportunity to be a part of “Our Real Life”. Contact us for a possible interview on the podcast.

  • An opportunity to volunteer your time to help reach out to people, talk to others about donating items or join our prayer team etc.

  • Bob can come and speak at your addiction event, book signing, church or Recovery meeting.